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District School Board of Niagara
Policy School Operations

G-31 Voluntary, Confidential Indigenous Student Self-Identification

Date Nov 2022
Review Nov 2027

It is the policy of the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) to provide programs and put into place measures to support all First Nation, Métis and Inuit students. All First Nation, Métis and Inuit students have the right to voluntarily self-identify so that they may receive supportive programming and instructional practices that better serve their learning needs. The first such measure in recognizing this right is to establish self-identification procedures to identify, collect and aggregate student achievement data for First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students.


    Indigenous identification refers to the definition in the “Constitution Act, 1982, Section 35 (2)”, in that “Aboriginal peoples” include “Indian, Inuit and Métis.”

    These groups include the following categories:

    • First Nations students who attend provincially funded elementary or secondary schools
    • Métis students who attend provincially funded elementary or secondary schools
    • Inuit students who attend provincially funded elementary or secondary schools

    The DSBN recognizes diversity within cultures, however, families will need to choose one self-identification that is most reflective of how each student identifies.


    The learning, aspirations and potential of Indigenous students can be realized through a responsive, transparent and accountable process. This process focuses on improved services and supports that build on strong partnerships with Indigenous parents and their communities. Collecting student achievement data of Indigenous students allows for analysis to determine programming to meet learning needs. Continued data collection and analysis will provide information for future decision-making surrounding Indigenous student success.


    Voluntary Self-Identification data can continue to be collected on currently enrolled students through the DSBN Voluntary, Confidential, Indigenous Student Self-identification online portal and students new to the DSBN can self-identify during the registration process.


    The DSBN believes that all students can learn. Our mission is to be committed to student success by working together to inspire, empower, and support all learners to achieve their full potential.

    The Voluntary, Confidential Indigenous Student Self-Identification Policy is designed to support this mission by establishing the following goals for Indigenous education within the DSBN’s jurisdiction:

    1. To provide high-quality learning opportunities that are responsive, flexible, and accessible to the learners.
    2. To continue to set high expectations for learner achievement in supported learning environments.
    3. To improve the retention rate of First Nation, Métis and Inuit students.
    4. To ensure that learners are well-prepared for participation in post-secondary studies and the world of work.
    5. To use achievement data from a variety of sources to determine possible gaps and areas for focused intervention.
    6. To promote effective, respectful working relationships and partnerships with First Nation, Métis and Inuit parents and the general First Nation, Métis and Inuit community.

    The Voluntary, Confidential Indigenous Student Self-Identification policy will continue to evolve as the DSBN seeks to improve achievement and program delivery for First Nation, Métis and Inuit students. For implementation and for future refinement of this policy, the following principles will continue to guide us:

    • Transparency
    • Inclusivity
    • Innovation
    • Learner-centered
    • Equity
    • Responsiveness
    • Collaboration
    • Respect for individual privacy and dignity
    • Results-oriented
    • Acknowledging and reflecting on cultural diversity
    • Contributing to the knowledge base through research
    • Holistic health and overall well-being

    1. All data will be securely stored by the DSBN in the confidential student information database to respect privacy and used only as a means to enhance First Nation, Métis and Inuit education programs within the DSBN.
    2. Data stored by the DSBN will be treated in the same manner as Ontario Student Records and protected and governed under the Education Act and Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).
    3. The information gathered will be used in the aggregate and for the purpose of developing and implementing supportive programs within the DSBN.
    4. Information will be communicated to Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO)and the Ministry of Education for their development, planning and resource allocation as permitted under the Education Quality and Accountability Office Act and Education Act. Information given for this purpose is protected and governed under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and MFIPPA.