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District School Board of Niagara
Policy Human Resources - General

E-16 Social Media Use By DSBN Staff

Date Feb 2022
Review Feb 2027

The District School Board of Niagara, (DSBN) supports the use of social media to support district programs, departments, and school sites with a way to engage parents, community members, students, and employees in a responsible, respectful, and professional manner.

Social media is prevalent throughout our society, and as such, can have both positive and negative impacts for its users. DSBN recognizes that what employees share on social media using either official DSBN social media accounts, or their personal accounts reflects on the DSBN. Staff are role models who are entrusted with the education of students and resources and represent the DSBN. The use of social media (DSBN and/or personal) has the potential to affect this trust and as such, it is expected that all social media be used appropriately.

Staff members are expected to maintain a clear distinction between their personal social media use and any DSBN related social media sites. All staff members are expected to represent themselves on social media (DSBN and/or personal) the same way they would in person and to maintain the professional standards, ethical standards of care, trust, respect and integrity.

All posts must be appropriate, and abide by principles of equity, inclusion, diversity and anti-racism, human rights and privacy.

Non-compliance by staff with this Policy may result in sanctions and/or the imposition of appropriate discipline, up to and including termination of employment. Individuals who are non-compliant with the appropriate use of the DSBN electronic social media sites may have their usage restricted or removed.


This policy is open for feedback until Jan 30 2025. Please complete the form below and click submit to send your feedback.