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District School Board of Niagara
Policy Human Resources - General

E-13 Wellness Support Program

Date Nov 2022
Review Nov 2027

The District School Board of Niagara is committed to creating and maintaining a respectful, healthy work environment for all employees. The Board, as the employer, strives to do this through collaboration and co-operation with all employees, employee groups, and where appropriate, health care providers and community agencies. The Wellness Support Program is based on the belief that employees wish to be at work regularly and fulfill their responsibilities to maintain support and services for students and staff. Furthermore, when issues do arise, a problem-solving approach will normally lead to a resolution that returns the employee to work as early and as safely as medically possible. The Wellness Support Program combines both prevention and intervention to achieve the goals of personal and workplace wellness.

This program is designed to provide consistently applied supports for the health and well being of employees and the benefit of the organization.

This Program is consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, Employment Standards Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.