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District School Board of Niagara
Policy Business

B-01 Procurement of Goods and Services

Date Apr 2022
Review Apr 2027

The District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) encourages cooperative purchasing procurement with other school boards and broader public sector agencies when it is in the DSBN’s best interest to do so. The DSBN is committed to fair and equitable procurement practices in compliance with, and in accordance with, the Government of Ontario Broader Public Sector Procurement Directives, the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, and the Agreement on International Trade.

The DSBN will consider the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements when developing competitive bids and will provide open competitive bidding on the acquisition of all goods, services, and construction where feasible, practical, and cost effective, consistent with the educational goals of the DSBN and fair business principles. Responsible environmental criteria in procurement practices will be incorporated where feasible.

Transparent and non-discriminatory procurement practices will be adhered to by providing access to information on procurement opportunities and processes on the DSBN External Website. Vendors will be selected on the basis of appropriate evaluation criteria, including (but not limited to) meeting required technical and business performance specifications, expertise and approach, and lowest total life cycle costs (not just lowest purchase price).

Implementation of any necessary procedures, systems, administrative controls and trained personnel to ensure compliance with professional practices, public accountability, public sector supply chain code of ethics and DSBN Purchasing Procurement Services Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest guidelines will be adhered to.


Total Contract Value / Purchase Amount Delegated Authority Level
Less than $5,000 – Non- Contracted Goods and Services (Cumulative spend over one year with same vendor) Cost Centre Owner (no purchase requisition required
$5,001 - $100,000 Cost Centre Owner
$100,001 - $500,000 Cost Centre Owner and Manager of Purchasing & Central Services or Purchasing and Central Services Supervisor, and Superintendent of Business Services
$500,001 - $1,000,000 Cost Centre Owner and Manager of Purchasing & Central Services, and Superintendent of Business Services
Greater than $1,000,000 Cost Centre Owner and Manager of Purchasing & Central Services, and Superintendent of Business Services and Director of Education
Consulting Services greater than $100,000 All non-competitive consulting services require the approval of the Superintendent of Business Services
On a quarterly basis, a listing of Award of Contracts greater than $750,000 will be brought to the Board of Trustees for their information.