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District School Board of Niagara
Policy School Operations

G-12 Alcohol, Drug and Substance Use and Abuse

Date Nov 2023
Review Nov 2028

DSBN’s goal is to provide a school environment that is free from substances that can make a student unfit for learning or a staff member or volunteer unfit for duty. The District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) prohibits the possession, distribution or use of substances (alcohol, illicit drugs, legal drugs – cannabis, misuse of medication and prescribed medication that renders an individual to be unfit). This applies to any person while on school property or on out of school sanctioned programs and events. The DSBN also will not condone behaviour that suggests that a staff, student or volunteer is under the influence of a substance. There are staff exceptions to alcohol consumption which are addressed in Policy C-01 Community Use of Schools - General. Disciplinary measures will be taken for violation of this policy within the framework provided by the DSBN Code of Conduct and student discipline policies, and Provincial and Federal laws and regulations.

In accordance with Ministry of Education Curriculum Policy Documents, the DSBN will provide educational programs that will seek to provide accurate information about the dangers of substance use and abuse and assist students to acquire the skills and attitudes they need to make appropriate decisions regarding substance use and abuse alcohol and drug use.

Schools and DSBN personnel will work with other community agencies to raise student awareness regarding the serious consequences of alcohol use and drug abuse.