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District School Board of Niagara
Policy School Operations

G-17 Provision of Health Support Services to Students

Date Feb 2020
Review Feb 2025


This Policy shall be implemented consistent with these principles outlined in Ministry Memorandum #81 (1984) and the Education Act.

  • It is the responsibility of the parent, guardian, student 18 years of age or older or a physician to advise the school in writing that a student requires or may require an essential health services on a regular basis during school hours. The School Administrator(s) will review the written request, so that only those services provided by the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) (see below) will be considered.
  • No school-aged child shall be denied permanent access to education because of special health support needed during school hours.
  • Where a parent, guardian or student can provide the required essential health service, he or she is to be encouraged to do so.
  • Medications and other essential health services shall be provided in a manner which allows for sensitivity and privacy, and which encourages the student to take an optimum level of responsibility for his or her needs.


For the purpose of these procedures, essential health services which may be provided by the DSBN include the following:

  • Oral medication provision
  • Topical medication provision
  • Lifting and positioning of a student
  • Assistance with mobility of a student
  • Feeding a student
  • Toileting of a student
  • General maintenance exercises for a student
  • Speech correction or remediation
  • Clean intermittent catheterization
  • Shallow surface suctioning

Note: The DSBN permits the use of epinephrine auto injectors (e.g., EpipenĀ®) if authorized as part of a student Plan of Care.


For the purpose of these procedures, essential health services which may be provided by the Ministry of Health through School Health Support Services shall include the following:

  • Chest therapy and breathing exercises
  • Injection of medication
  • Catheterization (sterile intermittent) of a student
  • Manual expression of the bladder or stoma
  • Postural drainage and deep suctioning
  • Tubal feeding
  • Physiotherapy or occupational therapy
  • Speech pathology or clinical therapy
  • Any intensive clinical treatment
  • Nursing procedures required to allow a student to remain in school


This policy is open for feedback until Jan 30 2025. Please complete the form below and click submit to send your feedback.