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District School Board of Niagara
Policy Human Resources - General

E-14 Police Vulnerable Sector Check For Service Providers

Date Jun 2020
Review Jun 2025

A service provider is an individual who is not an employee of the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) and who comes into direct contact with students on a regular basis at a school site of the DSBN in the normal course of providing goods or services under contract with the DSBN, or carrying out his/her employment functions as an employee of a person who provides goods or services under contract with the DSBN, or who provides services to a person who provides goods and services under contract with the DSBN or Ministry of Education. The definition of "others" extends the requirement of Police Vulnerable Sector Check to individuals who provide goods or services without a formal contract with the DSBN.

  1. The DSBN will not allow school access to service providers who have direct and regular contact with students:
    - who have not provided a Police Vulnerable Sector Check, or
    - who have provided a Police Vulnerable Sector Check which has been adjudicated and found to present an unacceptable risk to students and/or staff.
  2. The DSBN grants School Administrators, Supervisors, and other DSBN employees the authority to request any service provider to produce a Police Vulnerable Sector Check to ensure compliance with this Policy and the statutory Regulations.
  3. The DSBN shall determine who is a service provider who may come into direct contact with students on a regular basis, and who is required to produce a Police Vulnerable Sector Check.
  4. The DSBN will include provisions in the Request for Proposal/Tender/Quotations that notify potential service providers of the requirements to obtain Police Vulnerable Sector Checks and annual Offence Declarations thereafter.
  5. The following provincial organizations provide services to our schools and are required to obtain Police Criminal Record Check – Police Vulnerable Sector Checks.
    - Public Health Departments
    - Community Care Access Centres
    - Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network
    - Niagara Children’s Centre
    - Children's Mental Health Ontario
    - Provincial Schools Authority
    - Day Nurseries
    - Children's Aid Societies
  6. Others who are required to obtain a Police Vulnerable Sector Check include, but are not limited to:
    - Students attending university or college programs which involve practicum or co-operative placements in schools
    - Cafeteria/Food Services providers


This policy is open for feedback until May 02 2025. Please complete the form below and click submit to send your feedback.