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District School Board of Niagara
Policy Education Programs and Student Services

D-05 Home Schooling

Date Nov 2022
Review Nov 2027

Children between the ages of six and eighteen are required to attend school. Under the authority of the Education Act, a child may be excused from attendance at school if “the child is receiving satisfactory instruction at home or elsewhere”. The Ministry of Education recognizes instruction that does not follow the Ontario curriculum and instruction where methodologies, materials, schedules and assessment techniques differ from those used in the school system.

Parents/Guardians who wish to provide instruction to their children at home should notify the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) in writing, of their intention to home school by submitting a Letter of Intent to Home School. Thereafter, parents/guardians should inform the DSBN, prior to September 1st of their intention to continue Home Schooling, by submitting a new Letter of Intent to Home School each and every year.

As required by Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum No. 131, the DSBN normally will accept the written notification from parents/guardians as evidence that the parents/guardians are providing satisfactory instruction.

Schools will not provide learning materials, programs or activities for students who are not on the register.

Parents/Guardians providing home schooling may request that their child(ren) participate in EQAO assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, administered in Grades 3, 6 and 9 and the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test, given in Grade 10, by contacting the DSBN in writing by September 30th of the year in which the assessments are being conducted.

When parents/guardians who have chosen to provide "satisfactory instruction at home or elsewhere" wish to register at a school of the DSBN, the student shall be placed in an appropriate educational program by the Administrator of the school which the student is entitled to attend. If a student is likely to need program adjustment or support in order to successfully meet curriculum expectations, consultation with Curriculum Support Services, Special Education Support Services or other DSBN personnel may be necessary prior to registration and placement.