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District School Board of Niagara
Policy Education Programs and Student Services

D-03 Approval and Conduct of Research

Date Nov 2019
Review Nov 2024


The District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) recognizes the role of, and the beneficial contributions made by, educational research conducted in authentic educational settings. Therefore, the DSBN supports research projects initiated by its own staff and external researchers, provided that the research adheres to guidelines consistent with the Municipal Freedom of Information legislation (M.F.I.P.P.A.) and conforms to DSBN procedures and requirements. These procedures provide assurances regarding maintaining confidentiality/anonymity of the persons involved, minimizing interference with regular program, and ensuring the educational benefit/relevance of research conducted with our students and/or staff within our educational system.


The Educational Research Committee will review and make recommendations regarding the suitability of research requests that are submitted to the DSBN. This Committee, chaired by a Superintendent of Schools, will include representation from elementary and secondary school administrators and School Support Services personnel. The Committee will report to the Program and Planning Committee, who will forward information regarding those projects it is recommending to the Board of Trustees for final approval. The Committee will maintain a registry of all research requests received and the DSBN’s decision to approve or deny research.


Immediately upon completion of their research, each researcher approved to conduct research within the DSBN must provide the DSBN with an executive summary/abstract of their research findings. In addition, one or more copies of the complete research report shall be submitted by the researcher(s) for retention in the DSBN’s Research Recording Secretary’s office or for circulation to the schools.


This policy is open for feedback until Jan 30 2025. Please complete the form below and click submit to send your feedback.