It is the policy of the District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) to provide access to safe and secure digital technology in support of education, research, and DSBN business. The DSBN requires all students to use digital technology in a responsible, respectful, and lawful manner and in compliance with all relevant federal and provincial legislation and the DSBN Code of Conduct.
For the purpose of this policy, digital technology is defined as the ever-evolving suite of hardware (both board-issued and personal devices), software and computer and network infrastructures used at the DSBN.
The DSBN recognizes the educational value of students utilizing technology to enhance their learning through responsible access to global information and communication. These resources are intended to support and enhance student learning and achievement, and board-issued devices are available equitably to all students.
This version of Policy D-01 reflects requirements within the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Policy and Program Memorandum 128 (June 2024).
The DSBN provides all students with access to hardware to support and enhance their learning. Computers and digital displays (e.g. projectors, SMART panels) allow students to engage with interactive learning platforms, access a wealth of resources, and develop essential technical skills needed in a technology-driven world. They also support individualized learning, enabling students to work at their own pace and access personalized content that addresses their unique needs.
Usage of these devices must be limited to tasks directed by educators.
The DSBN recognizes that students may have in their possession personal devices, including cellphones, while at school or at school-related activities. This policy also governs the acceptable use of personal digital technologies and/or electronic devices by students while at school or at school-related activities. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 will be required to keep personal devices silenced and out-of-sight for the entire school day, unless allowed by an educator for instructional purposes. Students in Grades 7 to 12 are required to keep personal devices silenced and out-of-sight during class time, except for the following circumstances: an educator is explicitly directing students to use their devices; the device is required for medical purposes as outlined in a student's Prevalent Medical Plan of Care; the device supports special education needs as documented in the student’s Individual Education Plan.
No hardware shall be used in private areas such as change rooms or washrooms, nor should it be used where it may interfere with the reasonable expectation of privacy or safety of staff, students, or others.
The DSBN provides students with access to the DSBN’s network that includes access to electronic communication systems, such as the internet, vetted online learning applications, and email. Access to these systems facilitates and promotes learning and collaboration for educational purposes. In addition, it provides users with an ever-expanding array of digital content and provides the opportunity to communicate with others in the school, the local community, and around the globe.
Software and DSBN’s network must be used for educational purposes and usage must comply with relevant legislation and the DSBN Code of Conduct. The electronic transmission or posting of photographic images of a person or persons on school property, at school events, and during school activities and/or hours, is prohibited without the permission of the person or persons being photographed, the administrator or designate, and where the student is below the age of 18, the consent of the parent/guardian.
School administrators shall share information on appropriate use of digital technology and hold students accountable for complying with required guidelines. School staff shall determine what, if any, use is interfering with the learning or intruding on another’s reasonable expectation of privacy and implement restrictions and consequences consistent with Policy G-08, DSBN Code of Conduct.
Individuals who do not comply with this policy will be subject to appropriate consequences in accordance with the circumstances of the event, and within the parameters of any applicable legislation. Consequences may include, but are not limited to the following, either singularly or in combination depending on the individual circumstances:
For purposes of inspecting, investigating or searching student usage patterns of the technologies used within the DSBN, including but not limited to internet histories and email, with just cause, the Director of Education (or designate) may authorize appropriate officials to bypass any applicable personal passwords or codes in accordance with the best interests of the DSBN, its students, or where ordered to do so by law.