The Adult & Community Education (ACE) Department is responsible for establishing, maintaining, and administering, Ministry and Board approved programs such as secondary school credit programs at the District School Board of Niagara’s (DSBN) Adult day school, various outreach Adult day school programs, night school, summer school, and through self-study/eLearning; adolescent non-credit Literacy and Numeracy programs from Grades 7-10; Heritage International Language Programs; and Adult English as a Second Language, and Literacy and Basic Skills programs. In addition, the ACE Department is responsible for developing fee-for-service employment training programs and courses of interest to the community.
The Student Achievement Leader or School Administrator of ACE shall establish course offerings, schedule courses and appoint Supervisors in those schools in which the size and nature of the program make such appointments necessary.
The Courses of Study for credit programs offered through ACE will contain all the required components of the Ministry of Education guidelines.
Day school students may be considered for admission in a Continuing Education course leading to a credit. The DSBN day Student Achievement Leader or School Administrator(s) must sign the application form that authorizes the student to take the course. Parental approval is necessary for students under 18 years of age.
As required, a School Administrator(s)/Supervisor shall be interviewed and selected by the Student Achievement Leader or School Administrator/Supervisor of ACE Services, in consultation with the appropriate Supervisory Officer, for each of the credit-based summer and/or night school programs. This will be for one session or a one-year renewable term.
Applicants must have:The Student Achievement Leader or School Administrator/Supervisor of ACE, where appropriate, shall appoint annually, Supervisors for school sites offering interest courses.
Continuing Education Teachers will be paid for credit courses in accordance with the Secondary School Collective Agreement.
ACE Instructors will be paid for interest courses as determined by the DSBN on the recommendation of the Student Achievement Leader or School Administrator/Supervisor and consistent with the concept of "cost recovery" for ACE Programs.
School Administrators/Supervisors of Continuing or ACE Programs will be paid at a rate as determined by the DSBN on the recommendation of the Student Achievement Leader or School Administrator/Supervisor of ACE and consistent with the concept of "cost recovery" for Continuing or ACE Programs.
This policy is open for feedback until May 02 2025. Please complete the form below and click submit to send your feedback.
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